Solar Energy Transition

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Our systems are generally not the least expensive proposals the client will receive, and that is okay. We do not design our systems with the least expensive equipment, shortest warranties, and lowest monthly payment. Our job is to design a system with the best value equipment, best warranties (and companies that will be around to back the warranty), with the best financing, and that includes no leasing or power purchase agreements All solar equipment is not alike. There are significant differences in warranties,

Simply put, SunPower panels generate more energy in less space, with an aesthetically pleasing design that requires fewer visible parts. That means a clean, elegant rooftop – with plenty of clean, reliable energy for your home.Luminalt is an Elite SunPower dealer because we believe in the performance of SunPower products.Toget started we just need the client’s address, email address and last 12 months of their usage and costs (usually available with their PG & E Account number).

Project Info

Client: Midway Corporation
Year Completed:: 2022
Budget: $2,000,000
Location: South Calefornia, USA

Benefits of Project

There has never been a better time to invest in a renewable energy system. Advance in technology are bringing more efficient and lower cost solar panels to market than ever before. Coupled with the 30% Investment Tax Credit available from the federal government for purchasing a solar system, returns on investment are at all-time highs and payback periods at all-time lows.If you are tired of ever-increasing

  • the best option for any family considering going solar.

  • you can save over 50% on your solar panel system!

  • That is when going solar is at it’s best.

Home Solar Systems Save Money

Coupled with the 30% Investment Tax Credit available from the federal the government for purchasing solar system,returns on investment are at all time highs and payback periods at all-time lows. If you are tired of ever increasing energy costs from your local utility company, you now have an affordable way to own your power outright.

The best case scenario for our clients is to own their systems. After the first year, we recommend applying the Federal Tax Credit to their loan principal. Next, if they take the amount they are paying to the utility company, but instead pay that to the loan, that will pay off the loan in just about 5 – 7 years depending on the financing.

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