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Make a list of your achievements toward your long-term goal and remind yourself that intentions don’t count,only actions.
Do it today. Remind yourself of someone you know who died suddenly and the fact that there is no guarantee that tomorrow.
Let success motivate you. Find a picture of what epitomizes success to you and then pull it out when you are in need.
Without clarity,you send a very garbled message out to the Universe.
Reflect and experiment until you find the right combination of motivators for your personality picture of what epitomizes success to you and then pull it out when you are in need of motivation.
Most people believe that success is difficult.
Now go push your own limits and succeed!
I truly believe Augustine’s words are true and if you look at history you know it is true. There are many people in the world with amazing talent.
Focus is having the unwavering attention to complete what you set out to do. There are a million distractions in every facet of our lives. Telephones and E-mail,clients and managers,spouses and kids,TV,newspapers.
The most essential aspect of a team is the ability to grow with experience in terms of understanding and skill. The team we have at Finaxo has been very expert at this.
I routinely receive email and support well beyond an expected time. Although there is a significant time difference of 11-12 hours between us it appears that we receive 16 hours daily service.
Our partnership with Finaxo has allowed us to decrease our labor costs significantly,and increase round-the-clock utilization of expensive lab equipment. Thanks!
Figure out what you want,put a plan together to achieve it,understand the cost,believe in yourself then!
Read the case studiesFor those of you who are serious about having more,doing more,giving more and being more,success is achievable with some understanding of what to do,some discipline around planning.